Wednesday, December 29, 2004



As it turns out, I SHALL be following The Daria-Jane Conspiracy...although not through any effort on anyone else's part.

It appears that the only thing a login is useful for is for posting fan fiction, which is something I don't plan to do. The actual FORUMS at TDJC, however, are hidden at the left, under "Daria Slash Forums".

The first time I saw that, I thought "Daria slash" forums, or "forums for Daria slash". For the few people that don't know what "slash" is, it's genre fiction involving two male characters getting it on (Kirk/Spock). The meaning has been generally expanded to ANY two characters of the same sex getting it on.

Certainly, there's a lot of Daria slash out there, but as it turns out, TDJCs forums haven't mentioned Daria slash even once! I'm disappointed! As Inigo Montoya of "The Princess Bride" might say, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means."


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