Monday, December 27, 2004


"Thirteenth Man" Concludes; News from the "Hot Corner"

"Gregor Samsa" posted part 3 of "The Bands of Summer".
The Angst Guy concluded "The Thirteenth Man".

"Dervish" is in a dispute with the other posters over at "Nick's Corner" at PPMB. Dervish posted a link which claimed that a Catholic orphanage allowed its charges to be forcibly medicated, and felt that part of the blame should go to the Church. Father Martin Sylvester thought it was quite unfair for the Church to be blamed for the actions of a few, and other posters wrote that Dervish seemed to have a grudge against the Catholic church in particular and Christianity in general. Dervish denies that, stating that those complaining are hypersensitive.

Kristen Bealer stated that such heated argument is one of the reasons she might not be reading "Nick's Corner" much anymore, and offered to discuss the matter with Dervish through private messages.


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