Friday, January 21, 2005


Departure Day

Today is the third anniversary of "Departure Day", the day when the last original Daria episode was aired. "Is It College Yet?" aired on January 21, 2002.

Lawndale Stalker has reported to PPMB, letting people know that he is okay. He had not posted at PPMB for a while, causing some fans to worry.

The DVDaria website has its own blog! Right here, at . Any "pure Daria" blogs will get their own links, so we welcome Ms. Wild to the world of blogging.

Mr. Orange and Yerno (two French Daria fans) will be translating stories from the "Et Jane?" website from French into English.

Charlie-Girl wrote a short story called "Illusions" which can be found in the Creative Writing section of PPMB.

Richard Lobinske completed Part 7 of "John".

DJW created a cast picture for his "Oxidizer X" series. The picture is too large to shrink down to blog size, but the link can be found here .

The Angst Guy is looking for beta readers for the sequel to "Nine Point Oh". Send requests to theangstguy (at) yahoo (dot) com.

If you're an Australian Daria fan looking for a fan meetup, contact theartistformerlyknownas by private message on the Sheep's Fluff board (go left for the link).

Posted at The Daria-Jane Conspiracy:

"Curse of the Misery Chick" by Rey Fox
"They Came from Planet Xulfanex - Chapter #04" by Kara Wild
"Rain Falls Mainly on Jane Lane, The" by Invisigoth Gypsy


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