Wednesday, January 12, 2005
A Morgendorffer Scorned
Reviews of stories posted on the Creative Writing thread of PPMB:
Kara Wild's review of "A Morgendorffer Scorned" by C. E. Forman, and
Richard Lobinske's review of "Unseen Phenomenon" (the series) by Wildgoose
The Angst Guy is planning a sequel to "9.0" which deals with Sandi's arrival back in the states. He is wondering if the story should be released in serial form or as a complete work.
Richard Lobinske completed Part 4 of "Falling Into College 26 -- Boston Baked Band".
The Morgendorffer Sims house can be found at
Posted at The Daria-Jane Conspiracy:
"Cheaters Never Prosper" by Invisigoth Gypsy
"The Disney World Story - Chapter 04" by Invisigoth Gypsy
"Dear Whoever" by The Angst Guy
A picture from the "Pause in the Air" series, drawn by the author himself, The Angst Guy: