Sunday, January 09, 2005


MTV2 Maintains Grip on Daria

The Contrarian's Corner has updated . You can go to the "What's New" link on the front page to see what has been updated.

Richard Lobinske has stared Part 1 of "Falling Into College 26 - Boston Baked Band".

The Daria-Jane Conspiracy is now implementing an alphabetical fan fiction search. If you only know the title of the work, but not the name of the author, you have a greater chance at finding your work. However, the issue of works beginning with "a-an-the" has to be worked out.

Added to The Daria-Jane Conspiracy:

"The Disney World Story -- Chapter 01" by Invisigoth Gypsy
"Special Delivery" by The Angst Guy
"Structure" by Angelinhel

On, "Cynickill" asked why The Cartoon Network has never run Daria? Father Martin Sylvester replied that MTV2 recently ran "Is It College Yet?" (January 3 2005) in Europe, and it might be a case of MTV not wishing to release the series as long as it can run on other MTV networks.


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