Saturday, January 15, 2005


New Chapters Galore

Richard Lobinske completed "Falling Into College 26 - Boston Baked Band".

DJW completed a new chapter of "The Spiked 6-Pack".

Richard Lobinske completed the first chapter of "John", a tale which does to Jane Lane what "Darius" (by The Angst Guy) did for Daria Morgendorffer.

"All My Children" Chapter 13 is ready for beta-reading.

Added to The Daria-Jane Conspiracy:

"Guard Duty" by Invisigoth Gypsy
"The Disney World Story - Chapter 07" by Invisigoth Gypsy
"Comformity for Hire" by Invisigoth Gypsy

A "Morgenstones" pic created by mman:


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