Friday, February 25, 2005


"Alien Heritage" on PPMB

ahmygoddess had a stress-induced angina attack. The DFB wishes him the best of luck in his recovery.

Today is nonamejane's birthday.

The Daria-Jane Conspiracy is officially back up and running. Links have been added to the left hand side of the page.

Wraith completed another segment of "FBCB".

Lawndale Stalker completed a new segment of "Kidnapped".

Richard Lobinske completed Part 1 of "Alien Heritage".

E. A. Smith completed "Nowhere Man" on the PPMB.

Scissors MacGillicutty posted Part 1 of "Exiles" on SFMB.

Fan art: Kemical Reaxion's "Jane at the Prom". (The link is here , since blogspot and deviantart do not seem to get along.)

"John Lane" by Richard Lobinske:

Note: Might not post again today. Preparing for very big yard sale (no, we're not selling the yard). If you're in need of furniture, and you live in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, you might want to drop by on Saturday.


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