Monday, February 21, 2005


Contrarian's Corner Updated; Is Dr. Mike Leaving?

The Contrarian's Corner has updated. Click here to determine what has been added.

The DVDaria Blog has also updated, and you might wish to catch up on the newest efforts to bring Daria to DVD.

Dr. Mike has asked that Daria websites pull his stories. While I don't agree with his decision, I respect it and hope that things get better for Dr. Mike. I would rather that things be going well for Dr. Mike and him have no involvement with Daria fandom than hear that things are going poorly for him while he's involved 24/7. Sometimes, you do have to step back.

I have e-mailed Ann Larimer, the creator of the customized Jane Lane figure below. No response, but the e-mail address given in the article is five years old. If anyone has luck contacting her, please let the DFB know.

Wraith completed a new chapter of "FBCB".

Lawndale Stalker completed more of Chapter 3 of "Kidnapped".

Richard Lobinske completed "Falling Into College 29 - Back Aboard".

Roentgen completed a new part of "Legion of Lawndale Heroes".

Fan art: the "Legion of Super-Fashion" by mman:


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