Friday, February 18, 2005


Money for TDJC

Daria is now listed on TMF in the UK to be shown at 10 am UTC tomorrow. (Thanks to the Daria News Archive.)

Roentgen completed a new chapter of "Legion of Lawndale Heroes".

A new feature at The Daria-Jane Conspiracy: if you do any purchasing at all from eBay, visit this link first when you do your shopping. (The link is also listed as "Find Daria at eBay" on the left hand links at TDJC.) Every time you bid on an item at eBay, a dime will be contributed to TDJC if you make the link above your starting point. Note this is every time you BID on an item, not "every time you win a bid". Even failed bids will result in TDJC getting their dime.


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