Saturday, February 05, 2005


New Daria News All Around

Kara Wild has some new news on the DVDaria Blog. I suggest you go here right now and read it.

Daria will now be shown in the UK on digital channel TMF at 10am Saturday GMT. (Shout out to the Daria News Archive .)

Angelinhel completed Part 2 of "Be Careful What You Wish For".

There are 3 voting days left for the 2004 Crappie Awards.

E. A. Smith continues Chapter 3 of "Seven Days".

Nemo Blank wrote an imaginary Mystik Spiral song without a title ("No Shirt") which can be found on an Iron Chef thread at the PPMB.

At the SFMB, Ronin would like to know why (s)he is hated so much.

Added to The Daria-Jane Conspiracy:

"They Came from Planet Xulfanex - Chapter #19" by Kara Wild
"Pause in the Air - Chaputer 8 - April Showers" by The Angst Guy
"Apocalypse Then - Intro" and "Apocalypse Then - Chapter 1 - Okay to Cry Corral" by Milo Minderbender


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