Thursday, February 10, 2005


SFMB Banning Takes Place

CharlieGirl requests prayers in finding her significant other (David) a new job.

Wraith completed Part 3 of "FBCB".

One of the "Crappie Awards" threads at PPMB was locked after some fannish fire exchange.

Lawndale Stalker completed Part 1 of "Kidnapped".

Richard Lobinske completed Part 3 of "Falling Into College 28 - The Parents are at Rest".

The Angst Guy completed Part 12 of "Illusions" (which might be the final part).

E. A. Smith completed Chapter 5 of "Seven Days".

A new Livejournal has been completed for those who want to post SFMB type threads whenever SFMB is down (or just, whenever they want to). The location is at .

Mike Yamiolkoski completed "Sarcasm at 1600", Chapter 5.

The notorious Daria fan whose name begins with "R", ends with "n" and has "o-n-i" in the middle has been banned from SFMB. Posts which were posted by him now read as posted by "Guest". (Furthermore, his suspected alternate screen name of an Ivy League college located in New Hampshire is also deleted.)


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