Thursday, March 03, 2005


Happy Eighth Anniversary

In honor of the eighth anniversary of the airing of Daria, the Blogger Gods were angry -- they ate my entire summary after I posted it. It seems that the only ones who love Daria are Daria fans. Let me see what I can remember....

...there were new things posted at TDJC and Go there.

ahmygoddess returned to PPMB.

There is a new Daria fans site at .

New installments of stories by Lawndale Stalker, Wraith, The Angst Guy, sleepless and Richard Lobinske.

I linked to an article in Salon , written March 1997 (maybe the Blogger Gods just don't like Salon). I post the last paragraph, without comment:

There was a stinging scene in the "Daria" pilot in which Daria and Jane recited for the self-esteem teacher the correct thinking on body image: "There is no such thing as the right weight or the right height. There's only what's right for me. Because that's who I am." Their contempt for this P.C. Pollyanna-ism was so thick you could almost see it oozing out of the screen. They know it's bullshit. They watch MTV.


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