Friday, March 04, 2005


Is 'Burnout Girl''s Real Name 'Jennifer'?

The Angst Guy speculates that 'Burnout Girl' often seen in Daria episodes (long blond hair over face) might be named 'Jennifer' based on information seen in 'Cafe Disaffecto' (Episode 104).

Some credit was given to the Daria Encyclopedia. "Version 0.0", which is only complete up to 1/2 of "Art Burn", is temporarily stored at . (Note: this is a huge file and takes a long time to download, even with DSL.)

The Great Saiyaman completed Pages 14 and 15 of his Daria erotic comic over at SFMB.

Roentgen completed a new chapter of "Legion of Lawndale Heroes".

Fan art: Illustrations by psychotol of the above at this thread on SFMB.


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