Friday, March 18, 2005


One More Day

Greybird has some excellent advise regarding the subject of obtaining Daria tape collections/DVD collections on eBay. No one can say you were not warned:

~ Check the feedback comments. The first, last, and most important rule of using eBay. They, along with the percentage of negatives (never deal with someone under 95% positive), are the most revealing tool you have.

~ If they've gotten over 5 positive comments and have been members of eBay less than a month, beware. Check some of the recent sales listings in their feedback report. Some trade "sales" of a pie recipe or a piece of Windows wallpaper graphics for 1 cent each to build up false feedback.

More generally, keep in mind that the tracings and prosecutions almost always go toward the copiers, not the buyers. Those that copy systematically are the ones bending or breaking the laws.

Finally, I have to note that making backup copies for your personal use is entirely legal, but bartering those copies -- even if no money changes hands -- is not legal. No more so with copies of TV shows or CDs than with thus trading your backup copy of, say, Microsoft Word, where the license agreement also specifically forbids your doing it. So even when trading, be cautious about where and with whom you deal.

Richard Lobinske completed Part 2 of "Falling Into College 30 - A Part That's Gained".

The Great Saiyaman added two pages to his Daria erotic comic on SFMB.

Added to The Daria-Jane Conspiracy:

"The Love Nest" by Ronin
"Daria Night Fever" by Ronin
"Bed and Breakfast Man - Chapter 29 - Turkey Day" by Ruthless Bunny


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