Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Plans for Everyone

A few looks into what the Daria Fandom Blog might become in the future.

Blogger is more or less kerfluffelt. There have been a few complaints about how Blogger isn't exactly the best format for blog posting. Myself, I've always been a big fan of free stuff. As one of my college professors said, his cardinal rule was "thou shalt not pay for what thou can get for free". (For an illustration of this rule, see The Green Sink on Geocities, a testimony to my misspent youth, and all absolutely free for me.)

Still, it is becoming more and more a pain in the ass. My wife stated that I should buy a domain on Go Daddy, and I'm beginning to see the wisdom in her words. However, there are a few questions in my mind:

a) One of the great advantages of is that I can access it at work. I can just log in, type entries in the What You See Is What You Get interface, doll it up with a bit of HTML programming (a small bit), and voila!

From what I understand, having a web domain requires that one be a bit smarter. One has to FTP new code onto the page and whatnot. I don't know if I can do that at work and frankly, working four 10 hour days without being able to update the blog means that the blogging comes to a halt. (My time away from work is social time with my wife.) If I lose the functionality to update the blog from work, it's not worth it.

b) Furthermore, I lose Haloscan comments. No big deal, actually, but a bigger problem is losing three months worth of posts. These posts could be transferred (probably laboriously) to a new blog, but frankly, I'd rather not. The only other alternative would be leaving the last three months of the Daria Fandom Blog sitting right here, with a link to the new site. I'm not in favor, however, of having three months of work as a tombstone, a dead internet site with tumbleweeds rolling by (see: Scorched Remnants Message Board, The).

c) The above two are just me kvetching about change. "Oh, CINCGREEN, things might be different and you might not like it!" However, there are some serious changes coming up in the future.

Sometime in the near (hopefully near) future, I'll be leaving my profession as a registered nurse. The only part of this equation that hasn't be solved is selling the house. It's up for sale. I hope to start college classes in June. That means I can regularly blog up to the beginning of June. I don't know how much time I'll have to devote to message board reading after that. I don't know how demanding the classes will be.

The problem of keeping the DFB could be solved if people don't mind serving as "guest bloggers" during those times when I can't blog. The line forms to the left.

Boy, the future's uncertain, ain't it?

Anyway, if we move to a new domain -- and it is looking likely -- here are some of the near future plans:

1) Call Alan (and anyone else who can) for some help in setting it up.
2) Award an Excellence in Fandom award sometime in July, beginning voting sometime in June.
3) Move what there is of the Daria Encyclopedia to the new domain and complete the project.
4) Get guest bloggers.
5) Work on missing transcripts of episodes.

And the Green Sink? It probably will no longer be updated. I probably won't move it to the new site; rather, I shall leave it to serve as a monument to a time that has now gone by.

Oh by the way...from around April 8 to April 11, I'll be on vacation....


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