Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Daria Fandom Survives

As the SFMB is getting used to the influx of visitors, the PPMB remains in the middle of changing servers. Furthermore, due to the arcane rules of DNS propagation, the PPMB might come back up in some parts of the world before others. Your mileage may vary.

psychotol wrote an...interesting story in the hidden sections of SFMB, a sequel to "Roofies Roulette". Only those with strong stomachs should read it, though.

An interesting argument is taking place at SFMB about which of the two boards prefers "on-canon" stories. The claim is that the PPMB is the "more canon" board and the SFMB is the "less canon" board. The thread can be found here once you get past the initial posts.

Richard Lobinske completed Part 2 of "Falling Into College 33 - The Last Piece Falls".


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