Friday, April 29, 2005


I'm As Free As A Bird Now...

No updates on the boards. So a bit of an update regarding the DFB over the next two weeks.

Saturday and Sunday, there is likely to be no posting, although I could be mistaken. My wife and I have moved OURSELVES to Atlanta...but not our stuff. Thus, we're sleeping on air mattresses. Not that comfortable. So we'll go back to the house this weekend, take with us any other stuff we feel needs human transport, then return.

Monday will be a normal posting day.

Tuesday I'll return to Nashville. Maybe one post that day.

Wednesday, the movers will PACK everything. Very likely, no posts that day.

Thursday, the movers will put everything in trucks and drive it away. I'll drive back to Atlanta. Very likely, no posts that day.

Friday, the movers will arrive in Atlanta and unpack everything in the apartment. Also likely, no posts that day.

Just a heads up.


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