Sunday, April 17, 2005



If you've never heard of Wikipedia, Wikipedia is a free "encyclopedia" on the next. The link is . Trust me, it's worth a visit, these noble bastards have an entry on just about everything.

...including... Daria . It makes very interesting reading and it's a nice summary.

There are, however, a few items I have questions about. Some quotes from the article....

Anastasia "Stacy" Rowe - (First Appearance: "Esteemsters") Pigtailed Stacy is the secretary of the club and appears to have no personality of her own. She is skittish, extremely insecure, and a born follower.

Was Stacy EVER called Anastasia, or given that name? I don't remember it from the series, in the books, from the MTV web site or anything. (Maybe this is a question Ms. Wild can ask Glenn Eichler. ::joke::)

Mr. Anthony DeMartino - (First Appearance: "Esteemsters") History Teacher. DeMartino is stressed to the point of being put in a straitjacket. He has the habit of shouting every fifth word or so causing one of his eyes to bulge out. This is possibly due to his fighting in Vietnam. Dimwits like Kevin and Brittany really upset him. He seems to be an amalgam of Christopher Walken (appearance) and Kirk Douglas (speech pattern).

From the episodes I catalogued for the Encyclopedia ("Esteemsters" to 1/2 way through "Art Burn"), it never said explicitly that DeMartino was a Vietnam vet. I also don't remember the web site or the books stating that that was the case. Anyone care to correct me?

The really great thing about Wikipedia is that ANYBODY can edit it. The editing function is simple, and easy to learn. If I can get some conformation of the above, I'll do some editing of my own. The above are only two minor nitpicks; I think the author of the "Daria" article did a fine job.

However, the article links to other articles about the Daria characters. Check this one out on Jodie Landon , particularly the end. I don't know WHERE it said that Landon owned a restaurant; perhaps some piece of fanfic made that claim and the author assumed that the claim was true. It couldn't have been written by the same author.

Undoubtedly, a Wikipedia Policeman is needed. Then again, that's the joy and peril of Wikipedia for you.


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