Saturday, May 07, 2005
Over The Last 24 (Give or Take)
A new Moderator/User Guide has been posted at the PPMB. (The guide can be found here .)
Longtime Daria fan Ms. Geek (Michelle Klein-Hass) may be returning to the Daria message boards after a long hiatus.
Kara Wild has received word from Glenn Eichler about one of her questions: was there a "story bible" for Daria? A "story bible" is a basic treatment of the show, defining each of the characters, plot ideas, and major plot arcs. It is a
treatment given to writers so that the writers on a new show won't make the mistake of approaching the same character in several different ways. According to Mr. Eichler:
"there just isn't a story bible -- there never was. There was a rudimentary description of some of the characters for our bosses, and even that was inaccurate. So... there's nothing to send!"
At the PPMB:
Richard Lobinske completed Part 3 of "John Lane 5 - Sitting Cute".
Gregor Samsa completed Part 5 of "The Bands of Summer Redux".
The Angst Guy completed Part 13 of "Forgotten But Not Gone".
At the SFMB:
sleepless completed Chapter 28 of "Yuki-Onna".
Far art: Daria "dolls" by Kemical Reaxion (with help from a dollmaker website)