Saturday, May 07, 2005


TDJC: Down For the Count

The Daria-Jane Conspiracy, one of the major Daria websites accepting fan fiction and art, no longer exists. What initially started as a fan feud between Dr. Mike and theartistformerlyknownas ended with Dr. Mike removing the site.

The major reasons Dr. Mike gives can be found here . For the time being, I have removed the links both to the TDJC and to the Daria Slash Forums, since neither of those posts lead anywhere.

Rather than bundle the news of TDJC's disappearence into a general news post, I gave it a separate post. With the loss of TDJC, there are only seven "major sites" left: Outpost Daria, Glitter Berries, Sheep's Fluff, The Daria Shrine, Contrarian's Corner, and Sick Sad World (and I would debate if some of those were major sites or not). TDJC was definitely a heavy hitter in the major sites. Dr. Mike went out of his way to add fan fiction and art to the site and to keep the site updated as currently as he could. The loss will be felt, at least by me.

I will not get into the feud, as it deals with two people that I like. I will say that given my own...uh...deviations from the norm of correct behavior in fandom, Dr. Mike was nothing but an absolute gentleman, always willing to offer what
help or assistance he could. I hope that someday we will see TDJC back -- it might not be a fan fiction or art site, but any contribution would be welcomed. His contributions at PPMB will have to be missed - Dr. Mike was the #1
poster at PPMB.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: you don't leave Daria fandom. Daria fandom leaves you . Dr. Mike stated in one of his final
that he had not really joined the community for the sake of the show but rather for the purpose of sustaining a relationship. I'll say this: if Dr. Mike ever wants to come back, I'll welcome him back gladly, TDJC or no TDJC. And if this is Dr. Mike's final ride into the fandom sunset, I'll say goodbye and God speed.


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