Friday, July 08, 2005


Direct Response

The DVDaria Blog has updated with new news about a possible DVD Daria release. Kara Wild reports:

Basically, the Home Video Department (of MTV) has just brought in someone who specializes in direct response, which involves ordering products over the phone. Think TIME-Life, which advertises its products in commercials with a number at the bottom of the screen for you to source assured me that if Daria sold well through direct response, it could branch out into retail response doesn't require as many units to be sold as retail in order to be considered a "success." My source told me that if it happened, MTV would advertise on various channels, including The-N, where Daria plays at 12 pm PST/3 am EST...(ny source) thought foreign fans could possibly buy DVDs through direct response if the DVDs were multi-regional.

Also, Kara Wild noted (from a link by John Takis on the PPMB), that Ain't It Cool News put up a link of the 10 shows most craved on DVD -- and Daria was there! Check out the link .

There has been some discussion as to whether forums in foreign languages would be useful on the PPMB. Click here for the discussion.

Further updates later today.


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