Monday, August 15, 2005


Georgia DariaCon II?

I was very happy to meet Daria fan E. A. Smith yesterday. As a result of that meeting, my wife and I have decided to hold a mini-Dariacon in Atlanta, GA approximately two weeks from now. It will be on a Saturday, at our apartment. Time is yet to be determined. All are invited. For more information, contact The current list of attendees are:

my wife (Ruthless Bunny)
E. A. Smith

and we hope to have more. I don't know if we'll be able to meet the standard that ahmygoddess and Deref set in Georgia, but we'll definitely try to!

Diane Long dropped back in to visit the PPMB.

At the PPMB:

Angelboy completed Chapter 1, Parts 1 and 2 of "Dariatation".
Nemo Blank completed a new chapter of "Careful What You Wish For".
DJW completed Chapter 5 of "The Dammitall Run".

At the SFMB:

Napalm Kracken completed a new segment of "Daria Disenfranchised".

Screen shot: the Morgendorffer spare bedroom.


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