Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Drenched in Art Edition

Outpost Daria has made a major (and years-delayed) fan artwork update. With twenty-eight sections for as-yet-unposted fan artists having been added! Other recent works, and even a Morgendorffer house layout, have also come on line.

At the SFMB:

~ The cellar has a link (with much discussion) to "Comely Comics," a major edition of older fan art that has been restored to the Fluff's adult section.

~ Christ Oliver has added a quickly made, but highly evocative, near-nude line-art sketch of Daria to his thread.

~ An "Iron Chef Redux" asks for Lawndale-ized variations on "The Anime Laws of Physics."

At the PPMB:

~ A highly stylized triple "Daria" portrait has been uncovered by Kem on DeviantArt.

~ Another revived Iron Chef is for "Daria's Crash." And a popular new one: "Live Each Day" ("... as if thine last," in the old aphorism).

~ Eric Smith has begun posting "So Long As Men Can Breathe ..."

The somewhat-more-serious side of "Is It Fall Yet?": An intriguing, very brief essay, illustrated by screen captures, discusses "Tutoring in the Popular Imagination: 'Daria' as Case Study."

The not-so-serious side: Well, at least that coming Fall, Mr. D. could fix it while he still taught that sewing class!


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