Tuesday, October 18, 2005


N-ot N-early Enough

"Daria" is down, now, to one showing per day on The N, Monday through Friday early mornings at 3:30 am ET / 12:30 am PT. (Even that is liberally pre-empted by crucial all-night "Fresh Prince" or "Sabrina" marathons.)

This cutback could be from their obsession with "Degrassi," currently a marathon of its several versions, with no end in sight. They're probably, though, just running out the syndication contract in any case. If so, and especially if "Daria" could otherwise be shown uncut on MTV2, The N should just drop it now.

For those N viewers who do get the point about "Daria" and have Googled this site, welcome! Try any and all of the links to the Dariasites at left. You'll find dozens of articulate people who enjoy it as much as you do, along with tons of fan art and fan fiction.

Back to checking my e-mail before the phones go out again ... L.A. crumples up with a little bit of water *sigh*

But not before another "Is It Fall Yet?" outtake. They're playing touch ... er, something ...


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