Saturday, October 01, 2005


Triple Scoops

Martin Pollard, "on a roll," updated Outpost Daria again on Friday -- the third time in a week, fourth in September. "Lots more to come, so stay tuned!"

At the SFMB:

~ NutsoCrazy added to "Marvel Comics Presents: Daria!", and Brother Grimace added further to his addition.

~ With a new month, The Angst Guy is asking for Hallowe'en stories for "Daria" that have not been told. (Also at PPMB as an Iron Chef.)

~ Speaking of Hallowe'en, "the festivities" are commencing at SFMB, as well. Don't let yourself get killed, mwhuhahaha ...


~ Angelinhel posted "Still Life," "a brief glimpse into the thoughts of Claire DeFoe."

And now, another great outtake from "Is It Fall Yet?" ... I waited for this payoff during any number of "regular" episodes. Even Quinn has limits, I'd say!


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