Thursday, November 24, 2005


Have an Un-bonked Holiday Weekend

"Thanksgiving tried to step up, but he's got a lot of screwed-up family problems, and always gets depressed by the end of the day." -- St. Patrick's Day, about Holiday Island High leaders, in "Depth Takes a Holiday"
Let's hope that doesn't happen to you and yours! Enjoy the turkey, ham, or whatever from what, we do hope, is -- like the Sloanes' -- your incredibly well-stocked refrigerator.

"Daria" co-creator Glenn Eichler apparently is one of the writers for "The Colbert Report," a new satirical-news entry following "The Daily Show" on Comedy Central. has changed its direct link to the "Daria" section, and it's been updated at left.

Kemical Reaxion has updated her Kem Collection personal gallery but, for the moment, is delayed in doing so for Glitter Berries, and will keep us posted.

At the PPMB:

~ Milderbeast has the first portion of "Lawndale Forrest," a crossover with Winston Groom's characters, as also portrayed in the movie "Forrest Gump" with Tom Hanks.

~ Kara Wild is planning to release the fully-written part 22 of her "Driven Wild Universe" in several installments, to urge "actually reading the fic." In light of her past comments, she notes where the rotten veggies are available to be thrown {g}

~ A lengthy and forthright interview - response by Nemo Blank, to Eric Smith's queries, brings out many aspects of the very lengthy and intricate story "Ring Toss."

~ The Angst Guy is at Chapter XIV "plus notes" of "Outcasts from Beyond."

~ RLobinske has finished "First Summer" part 6, "It's Not All Bad."

~ A compilation of "the works of Daria Morgendorffer" is meant to note everything the character wrote in the original series as shown. Fanfic mentions are being added.

~ Bro. Grimace has made his "annual Thanksgiving release," the first part of a story set in part at Amy's wedding, "A Path of Roses and Thorns."

~ A seasonally fitting Iron Chef has entries of various characters "gathering together." Robin Sena has done the same with some fan art.

~ Several intriguing "alternative logos" for Daria (character and series) have been sketched, here and at the SFMB.

~ In personal pictures, Fr. Martin is back from Andalusia and Wales, and Deref and others hoisted quite a few recently in Canberra.

And in outtake news, Jane gets a bump on the noggin ... no, not the same Noggin (night-time version) that's cut so much spice out of her Lawndale adventures with Daria ...


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