Monday, June 05, 2006
Now that the PPMB and SFMB are Back Up—
—here is a much delayed update.
I hope to mention everything added or updated since CINCGREEN's post of 28 May. In a departure from my usual practice, I will only provide links to the beginnings of updated threads and not include direct links to added or updated entries. I hope no one is put out by this; I'm simply doing it to try to cover as much as I can.
Of general interest:
- Father Martin Sylvester will not be on the IRC channel #Daria+ next week. He will be attending the music festival Download.
- Dr. No Good started a catalogue raisonné of crossover fan fiction.
- The Angst Guy asks “What Have We Learned from Anne B?” referring, of course, to Kara Wild's interview with Daria writer Anne Bernstein.
- Lachlan wonders if Daria is an elitist. So far, thirteen respondents say no, while eight say yes. My own opinion is that she is, but not in a pejorative sense: she dislikes incompetence and cant, and herself seeks out and asprires to excellence and honesty.
Fan fiction at the Paperpusher's Message Board:
- The Ranting Klown posted a short fiction, “Making Things Better.”
- Angelboy continued chapter 4 of “Diary Entries.”
- Angelboy also continued “Is It Smiting Yet?”
- Richard Lobinske completed “Daria von Doom: Succession Crisis.”
- Hey added a second chapter to “Abagail.”
- Erin Mills added the prologue and first chapter of “Timebreaker,” a Kim Possible fan fiction.
Fan art at the Paperpusher's Message Board:
- MDetector5 posted links to numerous sketches of Quinn, and a drawing titled “Quinn of Summer.”
- Kemical Reaction posted her rendition of Quinn on the beach as a swimsuit model.
- Lachlan, Teeki, and Kemical Reaction mix and match various heads and bodies from the Daria cast alter-egos.
- Reese Kaine posted a link to a torrent of his previous video, “The Lawndale High Wrestling Foundation.”
- S.C. places Daria et al. in a parody of the iPod ads, “dPod.” Warning: Brace yourself for the one featuring Upchuck.
- Robin Sena asks fan artists to draw Daria in samurai garb, and Richard Lobinske, Wouter, and Angelinhel rise to the challenge.
- Wouter continues his Jane-centric cartoon, “Growing Pains.”
Fan fiction at the Sh33p's Fluff Message Board:
- Ostragoth continued “Estrangesters.”
- New fan BitterProps has posted “It Doesn't Matter.”
Fan art: S.C.'s desktop: