Thursday, July 06, 2006


Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition!

—Our chief weapon is surprise—surprise and items of general interest:

—All right—two weapons: surprise and items of general interest—

—'ats not two, it's five!

—No no—you see, it's the items of general interest that are the second weapon, but they change from time to time—

—Sod off! 'e ain't even got to fan fiction at the Sh33p's Fluff yet!

—Ah! I've always wondered how you pronounce '33'...

—That's right! Our two weapsons are surprise, items of general interest and new and updated fan fiction at the Sh33p's Fluff Message Board:

—All right—our three weapons are surprise, items of general interest, new and updated fan fiction at the Sh33p's Fluff Message Board, new and updated fan fiction at the Paperpusher's Message Board—wait—among our—I mean amongst our weapons—sorry, why don't I just come in again...

Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquistion!

—That's not right!

—What do you mean it's not right?

—I mean the heading was just enclosed in <h2> tags. 'Ere you've got <i> tags inside a pair of <h3> tags.

—What bloody difference does it make?

—Well, I mean if you wanted to start over, you should use the same heading tag, yeah?

—Look, I didn't expect a bloody HTML tutorial—

HTML Tutorial: Use <ul> for Unordered Lists

Although the entity &bull; may be used to introduce items in a bulleted list, using the <ul>...</ul> tags to create a block-level unordered list and <li>...</li> to enclose each element in the list indicates the logical structure of the list, and shows the semantic role it plays in the document.


New and updated fan fiction at the Paperpusher's Message Board:

Here, the list is coded as follows:

<li>Richard Lobinske started <a href="">“John Lane 19: Retouched Parents.”</a></li>

Note that some blogging tools will turn carriage returns into <br /> tags, so lists like the one above will have to be run together on a single line.


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